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Saturday, July 27, 2024

LUMS Associate Professor Emails VC Regarding Queer and LGBT events on campus

An email to the Vice Chancellor LUMS, Dr. Arshad Ahmad was sent by a fellow professor complaining about the Queer, LGBT and Why Period Art Matters events and ‘brothel-like environment’ on campus.

On February 22, 2023, Associate Professor Muhammad Tariq from the Department of Life Sciences at Syed Babar Ali School of Science and Engineering at LUMS sent an email to Dr. Arshad Ahmad, the Vice Chancellor of LUMS, expressing his concerns regarding the events of Queer, LGBT, and Why Period Art Matters at Saida Waheed Gender Initiative’s ‘Calendar of Events for Spring 2023’.

As a devoted member of the University Council for the past fourteen years, he feels a responsibility to speak up about the issues that have been raised by fellow teachers, despite the hesitation of others. His intention is not to offend anyone, but rather to contribute to a positive atmosphere at LUMS where these issues can be addressed. He acknowledges the value of individual freedom of choice and way of life, but is concerned that the atmosphere at LUMS has deteriorated over the past few years and that the university is ignoring the ‘brothel-like environment’ that is emerging under the guise of being a liberal institution.

He is particularly concerned about the number of seminars and workshops that seem to support the LGBT agenda and queers, which he believes is a dead end for the human species. He also mentions a recent seminar on “period art” that promotes indecency and immodesty, and questions the funding and effectiveness of the Gender Center in addressing real problems faced by women in our society.

‘Why Period Art Matters’ – LUMS Hosts Event under Saida Waheed Gender Initiative

While acknowledging the importance of these events and the need to promote a diverse and inclusive culture, he believes that LUMS should uphold the values of decency, modesty, honesty, integrity, and sincerity as a role model for society. He is disappointed that, in the name of liberalism, the university is fostering an atmosphere that is eroding moral principles and claiming lives.

He emphasizes that there are several challenges relating to women in our culture that need to be addressed, and that LUMS should focus on resolving these issues instead of promoting controversial events.

‘We are a Muslim nation and we are supposed to be role models for decency, modesty, honesty, integrity, and sincerity. As a prestigious institution, we should defend these standards, thus it is disappointing that, in the name of liberalism, we are fostering an atmosphere that is claiming lives and aiding in the eradication of moral principles from our society.’

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  1. I fail to see that what is so wrong in the mail. It is 100% truth and one TRUE MUSLIM SHOULD stand by it. Those, who in the name of liberalism are doing this, are surely stepping away from their beliefs and values which were instilled in them by their elders. Well, saying for those who atleast are MUSLIMS.

    • I believe we should request the authorities to close this university once and for all to set an example for the rest of the institutions

  2. What nonsense?
    This university should be shutdown for such rubbish and ridiculous act.
    I will take serious action against their corrupt ideology.

  3. I can’t believe that a prestigious institution like LUMS is hosting such events ?????
    Well Do LUMS need funding so badly ???
    As Muslims we should know that propagation of such philosophies will only do harm than good…
    Remember you have to answer for all your powers n all your decisions …
    LUMS is no longer a gold standard for me …🥲


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