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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Fake News Alert: Justice (r) Nasira Iqbal did not join PTI’s Azadi March

Justice (retired) Nasira Iqbal responded to reports that she had joined Imran Khan’s Azadi March by saying she didn’t have a social media account, according to Media Reports.

She simply said, Nasira Iqbal (retd) is going to the cybercrime cell to denounce a fake account.

It is unacceptable to create a fake account, according to her. Nasira Iqbal, a retired judge, denies having gone to Islamabad for a long march.

On the microblogging site Twitter, a fake account named Justice (retired) Nasira Iqbal asked the entire public to join Imran Khan’s Azadi March.

According to the fake account holder, justice (retd), Nasira Iqbal and her family would be joining the long march.

However, in a video address, the retired judge explained that “the allegations about me made on Twitter and Facebook are false.”

“The claim stated that I’m going to Islamabad to join the long march with my family,” she clarified. “However, I have no affiliation with any political party, nor am I going to Islamabad.”

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She added that she will surely submit complaint about the phony account to a cybercrime unit.

“I want to be clear that I don’t have any Facebook or Twitter accounts, and I haven’t made any claims about it,” she said.

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