Sharmila Faruqi, leader of the Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP), has filed a complaint with the Federal Investigation Agency’s (FIA) cybercrime wing against TV host Nadia Khan for ridiculing her mother Anisa’s makeup look.
Sharmila personally visited the FIA’s cybercrime head office.
The PPP leader told Media that Nadia Khan purposefully made fun of her mother by releasing her makeover video on social media, after submitting a case with the FIA cybercrime department here on Thursday.
“Nadia Khan shared a video of my mother without her consent which is unethical,” she said, adding that her mother, Anisa, is a very simple woman and had nothing to do with showbiz and politics.
Sharmila said she contacted the TV host after the video went viral, and her response to the incident was “disappointing.”
“I sent [Nadia] message and told her it was really shameless of her to do this,” she stated.
“There’s nothing wrong with this at all.” “I haven’t asked any inappropriate questions, and I haven’t done anything inappropriate,” Nadia said, according to Sharmila.
The PPP leader also stated that she will take TV host Nadia Khan to court.