Salahuddin Ayubi, a Pak-Turk collaborative series, has selected four Pakistani actors during tryouts. In October, auditions were held in Lahore and Karachi. 6,000 people applied for the auditions, only 62 were chosen for the Islamic warrior series.
Only 18 people from Lahore were picked, whereas 42 people from Karachi were chosen. According to Akli Films owner Emre Konuk, playing Salahuddin Ayubi, a prominent figure, will be a difficult task for any actor.
In January and March 2022, the next round of auditions will be held in Turkey. Pakistani actors Ushna Shah, Adnan Jilani, Farhan Agha, and Ayesha Omar are among those picked.
Pakistan and Turkey announced in August that they would collaborate on a television series about famed Muslim general Salahuddin al-Ayubi.
Ansari and Shah Films in Pakistan and Akli Films in Turkey have agreed to collaborate on a television series about a Muslim general. “ On this lovely Friday night, I have some good news to share!
“Akli Films and Ansari & Shah Films have signed a contract for ‘Sultan Selahaddin Ayyubi,'” tweeted Emre Konuk, the company’s owner.
“To our country and our art world,” Konuk expects the international collaborative initiative would be helpful. Three seasons are planned for the project, which will feature actors from Pakistan and Turkey.
Earlier this year, Pakistani and Turkish production companies announced plans to collaborate on a historical series on Turk Lala, a well-known character on the subcontinent who was a crucial figure in the Khilafat Movement. The series will be televised in both Turkey and Pakistan at the same time.
Last week, Turkish director Kamal Tekdin, who directed the smash hit series Dirilis Ertugrul, paid a five-day visit to Pakistan to discuss the series. The series Turk Lala will focus on the role of subcontinental Muslims in the Khilafat movement. The series will depict the arrival of Muslims in Turkey in 1920 to combat imperialist troops.