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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Punjab Resumes Rigorous COVID-19 Testing Amidst Surge in Cases

In response to a renewed surge in COVID-19 cases, the Primary & Secondary Healthcare Department of Punjab has issued a fresh directive to government hospitals.

Through an official notification, the department has instructed relevant officials to increase COVID-19 testing throughout the province. The notification emphasized that COVID-19 testing is the primary tool for gauging the extent of the disease and for mitigating the transmission of this dangerous virus. It is noteworthy that there has been a 52% global increase in Coronavirus cases over 28 days, spanning from November 20 to December 17, 2023. This surge has raised significant concerns about its potential impact on public health and healthcare systems, necessitating urgent measures to control the spread.

The recently identified strain of COVID-19, JN.1, accounts for 44.1% of infections in the United States, according to information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Medical professionals in all Punjab hospitals are recommending individuals with symptoms resembling coronavirus to wear masks, steer clear of crowds, observe a three-foot distance from others, use steam treatments, perform gargling, and spend time breathing in open outdoor spaces.

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