In the ocean of fake news on social media, some of the mainstream channels were caught spreading bogus information about the co-education ban in Punjab.
It all started by City 42 and some of the regional and national media reported that the Punjab Higher Education Commission (PHEC) has imposed a ban on co-education in BS (Hons) programs in private colleges across the Province.
However, Punjab Higher Education Minister Raja Yassir Humayun Sarfraz rejected the rumours that the provincial authorities had imposed a ban on co-education in private colleges.
“Higher Education Department has not issued any notification about co-education in colleges. Please stop spreading fake news on media,” the provincial minister wrote on Twitter.
Higher Education Department hasn't issued any notification about Co-Education in Colleges. Plz stop spreading fake news on Media.
— Raja Yassir Humayun Sarfraz (@RajaYassirPTI) February 2, 2022
Meanwhile, the Directorate of Public Instruction (DPI) (Colleges) Punjab also clarified that it had not announced any condition of submitting a “no co-education” affidavit for private colleges to launch different academic programmes.
(Editor’s Note: The phrase ‘Fake News’ is not a scientific term. If facts of information are inaccurate it cannot be called news in the first place. It would be categorized as misinformation or disinformation. has opted to use this phrase as the mass searches and prefers the term ‘Fake News.’)