In an extraordinary incident and to break the stereotypes, a female judge solemnized the wedding ceremony of the great-grandson of former Indian President Zakir Hussain in New Delhi on Friday.
Syeda Saiyadain Hameed, a former member of the Planning Commission, took over as a Qazi to complete the marriage of Rehman and Arsala Ali. Ali said the idea of marriage by the female judge was of the bride.
In a rare move, a female qazi solemnised the 'nikaah' (Muslim wedding) of late President #ZakirHusain's great-grandson.
Gibran Rehan Rahman & Ursila Ali's nikaah took place on Friday at the residence of the country's third President, which was attended by close friends & family.
— IANS (@ians_india) March 12, 2022
Talking about Nikahnama (Agreement) Dr. Hameed said “it enlists the conditions mutually agreed upon by the bride and groom, pertaining to the equal rights and responsibilities along with respect and regard for all aspects of married life”.
The marriage ended with an invitation to celebrate the unity of the bride and groom equally in marital, legal, and spiritual partnerships, citing a passage from the Qur’anic surah.