LONDON: In a bizarre incident in the United Kingdom, an 11-year-old child has become the youngest mother as she became pregnant at the age of 10 and delivered a healthy baby earlier this month.
Reports in British media quoting sources claimed that the newborn was delivered after more than 30 weeks of gestation period. Both mother and baby are doing fine however officials started investigating the matter as the age of 11 is a bit tender to deliver a baby in the modern world.
Dreadfully, the family of the primary school-aged child, whose identity is anonymous due to privacy reasons, was unaware of the pregnancy, per reports.
Social services and council chiefs launched the probe while a source who knows the family told a British news outlet that ‘It has come as a big shock for them’.
The girl is reportedly now being surrounded by expert help as the strange incident raised many questions as to why people did not know the child got pregnant at the age of just 10.
Experts believe that the average age at which a girl shows puberty is 11, however, it can vary between 8 and 14, or even younger. Although, pregnancy at an early age comes with a number of complications including a number of infections, low-birthweight babies, pre-eclampsia, and even premature labour. A report quoted that around one in every 2,500 women, are unaware of their pregnancy.
Previously, a 12-year-old girl, Tressa Middleton, becomes the youngest mother when she delivered before hitting the teenage. The mother of tot was 12-year-old while her dad was 13 – the couple made the lowest combined age of any British parents.
‘Youngest mother of all time’
As the world got shocked by the girl who delivered a baby at 11, a Peruvian girl, Lina Medina holds the title of youngest mother of all time as she gave birth to a baby boy when she was only five years and seven months old. The incident occurred back in May 1939.