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Thursday, May 16, 2024

A Comprehensive Guide to Punjab’s New Online Driving License System

The Punjab government plans to introduce a revamped driver’s licensing system on January 1, 2024, to simplify and improve the license acquisition process. Several key features of the new system include:

  1. Eliminating the need for citizens to endure long queues for duplicate licenses or renewals, as these services will now be accessible online, leading to significant time savings.
  2. Citizens can obtain licenses valid for up to 10 years, and international licenses will retain validity for three years.
  3. The 20-year-old Oracle system, which is outdated, will be replaced with a modern platform built on .NET technology.
  4. The introduction of an E-License facility allows citizens to conveniently download both local and international licenses through the official website.
  5. To obtain an online learner’s permit, you can make the payment conveniently using EasyPaisa or Jazz Cash.
  6. Stringent measures are in place for motorists driving with an expired license or without a license, resulting in a fine of Rs. 2,000.
  7. The number of driver’s license issuing offices has seen a substantial increase from 46 to over 1300, ensuring enhanced accessibility to the licensing process across the province of Punjab.
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